A Dream

The dream seemed very real. I could feel everything as if it was not my subconscious mind.

I was standing in a field of green grass,

I caught a glimpse of some swaying colors,

I looked around and saw the ground was filled with butterflies,

Their colors were of yellow, red, orange and grey-

They shimmered in the afternoon sun's ray.

My hands reached out to catch the flurry of color,

Suddenly all were gone with the sway of air.

I looked up and saw the clear sky was filled up with black cloud.

A blue bird was flying high close to black cloud premise,

I heard the storm with high noise.

Lightning flickered over the high sky-

Excited, unsure, scared at the same time,

the blue bird was falling down,

Probably it was not a real vision-

as I looked around, no storm, no bird I found.

I felt like I had been swaying in air,

I could see the glimpse of the biggest tower,

I swirled around it and felt like faded as my aura was gone,

Suddenly wind shifted and diverted my attention,

And I found myself standing with a secure position.

Nothing happened what I saw in my dream,

Now I understand, I thought of some wishes which flourished in my unconscious mind- beam.


Soma Bose is a political science graduate from Kolkata University, currently living in Pune. She loves to read and write English stories. A few of her self written micro fictional stories have been published in the Scottish online journal, Friday Flash Fiction, as well as poems also. Some have been published in the New-Zealand based journal, Flash-Frontier. Currently she is active in writing for India's Bangalore-based online journal named Indus Woman Writing.

Soma Bose

Soma Bose is a political science graduate from Kolkata University, currently living in Pune. She loves to read and write English stories. A few of

her self written micro fictional stories have been

published in the Scottish online journal, Friday Flash Fiction, as well as poems also.

Some have been published in the New-Zealand

based journal, Flash-Frontier. Currently she is active in writing for India's Bangalore-based online journal

named Indus Woman Writing.


Memories Consigned to History

