The ByEllie Story: From Personal Struggles to Entrepreneurial Success

Ellie Carlile's journey into the beauty industry began unexpectedly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Battling severe acne, Ellie found the treatments left her lips dry and cracked. Frustrated by the ineffective products on the market, she took matters into her own hands. "I did a lot of research and trials until I developed a lip balm that worked for me," Ellie recalls. This personal struggle laid the foundation for ByEllie and a hero product in their lip balm.

From lip balm to brow products

What started as a solution for her lips quickly expanded. Ellie's brow-shaping product gained viral attention for its efficacy. "I couldn't find anything that worked for my stubborn brows," Ellie explains. "When I created something that worked, I knew I had to share it."Despite being advised against releasing a second brow product, Ellie persevered and launched brow texture anyway. Ellie states, “For me, it’s not about selling loads of it. It’s about the fact that some people don’t want that laminated brow, they want something quick, easy and travel-friendly. I didn’t mind if it was a super small niche, because those customers to me are just as important to cater for.”

A social media success story

ByEllie’s growth on social media has been remarkable, amassing over 100,000 followers. Ellie attributes this success to always putting authenticity at the forefront of brand storytelling. "I use social media as a diary, sharing the ups and downs of my journey," she says. "TikTok is great for behind-the-scenes content, while Instagram showcases the polished side of the brand. I try and use socials as a way for customers to look in on the brand journey.”

The ups and downs of managing a thriving beauty business

Running a global successful brand like ByEllie is no small feat. "It's a constant juggling act," Ellie admits. "I thrive on being busy and have routines in place, like clearing my inbox on Sundays to start the week fresh. It's all about finding what works and adapting as you go." When asked how she manages to juggle it all, Ellie says, “I’m now being more organised than ever with certain software and routines I’m finding are helping more…One of the girls here has now got me using Click Up which is a game-changer!”

Self-care and mindfulness

In the midst of running a successful business, Ellie emphasises the importance of self-care and mindfulness. Her self-care secret? She takes herself for an extremely early morning dog walk every day. “I walk my dog in my onesie every single morning at 5.50am. I’m the only person out there and I love it. If I’m feeling like it, I’ll listen to a podcast, but mostly I try not to. I want to absorb and feel everything and be grateful. I think that’s more grounding when you’re under pressure with big targets. It’s nice to take it back a step and be grateful for the smaller things.”

What’s Ellie’s favourite product?

While ByEllie has a range of products, unsurprisingly Ellie’s favourite remains the lip balm that started it all.

"It's special to me because it was the first product I created," she says. However, she also has a soft spot for the newly launched Glow Melts. "They give a radiant, fresh look and are versatile for different uses."

Defining beauty beyond aesthetics

For Ellie, beauty is all about confidence. When I asked her what beauty meant to her, without hesitation she says, "Beauty is a feeling. It's how you feel when you use a product," she reflects. "My goal is to create products that make people feel their best, whether they're preparing for a big event or just going about their daily lives."

Looking ahead

Exciting plans are on the horizon for ByEllie.

"We have a major launch coming in August that I've been working on for over two years," Ellie shares. "It's been a challenging process, but I'm thrilled to finally bring it to our customers. We're also exploring retail opportunities to provide a real-life experience."

Ellie Carlile’s story is one of resilience and innovation. From a personal struggle with acne and medical side effects of Accutane to leading a successful beauty brand, her journey inspires many.

One thing is for sure, ByEllie is more than just a beauty brand; it’s a testament to the power of turning personal challenges into opportunities.


Emily King is the founder of The C Word Magazine and a passionate advocate for art, travel, culture, cinema, fashion, sports, and feminism. Connect with her on Instagram @emlrking, subscribe to her monthly newsletter, read her articles on MuckRack and leverage her expertise in marketing, brand and content strategy by booking a free introductory discovery call!


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