Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month


According to the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders, April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. 

Do you think you suffer from IBS? 

If so, then this article is for you. It provides facts, describes symptoms and tips to help you manage this often misunderstood condition.

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

The term ‘irritable colon' was first published in 1929 when Drs. Jordan and Kiefer used it to describe abdominal pain and disordered defecation.

It is not known what causes it. The symptoms may result from disturbances in the interactions between your gut, brain and nervous system. Therefore, causing changes in normal bowel movement and sensation.

Common symptoms include abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, diarrhoea and constipation. However, less common symptoms include: having an overactive bladder, PMS, sexual dysfunction, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, migraines and eating disorders. IBS can also happen with anxiety and depression.

About 10-15% of the world’s population has it. In the UK, it’s believed that 1 in 20 people suffer from it. It can affect all ages but most sufferers are aged under 50. 2 out of 3 people with IBS are women.

It is not known what causes it. Stress is often blamed but it’s a trigger not an actual cause of IBS, though it can worsen its symptoms. It can’t be diagnosed via blood tests, stool tests, x-rays or tissue biopsies and therefore, there is no straightforward treatment plan available to help sufferers.

IBS does not lead to more serious conditions such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease or colon cancer and it rarely requires hospitalisation or surgery. 

Note. If you have anaemia, bleeding, fever or unexplained weight loss, then please see your doctor.

IBS can range from mild inconvenience to greatly affecting sufferers' physical, emotional, economic, educational and social well-being.

The impact can cause the following behaviours like going all day without eating to avoid triggering debilitating pain or an uncontrollable urge to defecate, avoiding restaurants and socialising entirely and diet restricted to a dozen or so plain and bland foods. Sufferers have even known to change their careers to accommodate their unpredictable bathroom needs.

How can IBS be Managed?

Over-the-counter medications can be taken to treat diarrhoea and constipation.

However, there is no overall, quick fix for this condition. 

Treatments that may help are acupuncture, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and hypnotherapy if you’ve got the money!

The key is identifying your trigger foods and drinks. The usual culprits are wheat and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods. However, everyone is completely different. Other foods like baked beans, certain fruit and vegetables and potatoes can also trigger IBS symptoms in some sufferers. If you’re not sure, then keep a food diary and note any symptoms. Once you’ve identified your trigger foods, then you can avoid or reduce them in your diet. See your doctor for a referral to a dietician if your diet would be too restrictive with these changes.

Activities like walking and yoga helps with managing IBS but not really intense exercise.

Finally, find ways to manage your stress. Suggestions include walking, meditating, confiding to someone you trust, listening to calming music and having a relaxing bath.

For more information and support, feel free to check out:-



Rachel Duerden

Hello. I'm a health and well-being blogger. I'm on a mission to educate and inspire others to not only lead a healthy lifestyle but to also appreciate and enjoy its benefits.

Being obsessed with food, I write a lot about it and I'm regularly blown away by the health benefits of different foods which is backed up by science. I hope you will be too.


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