The Three Main Principles Of Sustainable Fashion
Have you ever wondered how sustainable fashion ever came about?
We could say that it was due to a cause-and-effect shenanigan. The mass production in the 1950s was the cause, and the green movement introduced around the 1970s (mainly by the hippies) was the effect.
Hand-made, locally-grown, and pesticide-free clothing has become a contemporary and modern phenomenon.
But sustainable fashion is not just about a movement and the environment. It is an entire shift of consciousness and lifestyle. Sustainable fashion inspires us to consider quality vs. quantity, needs vs. wants, and becoming an overall future-focused advocate.
Take note that almost every eco-friendly organization and sustainable clothing brand like muntu that has existed, has been simply an inspired action (for the most part) to return to the natural order of the ecosystem.
And you do not have to be part of an organization to make a change today.
Here we share the three main principles of sustainable fashion to stand and lead by:
Images from Muntu
• Quality over Quantity
Buying a large number of items does not signify their durability and worthwhileness. Whether it is a second-hand or new garment, its quality determines its durability. Usually, a top-quality item will cost more than a fast-fashion one. But when purchasing an item of quality, one is much more appreciative, supporting both one's closet and the earth simultaneously.
• Needs over Wants
It does not mean that you don't deserve what you want - it is quite the opposite - but we incorporate mindfulness in the picture. You can look at what you currently have and purchase what you don't that would benefit you (aka what you need).
Another way to look at it is by asking yourself if you would use the item you're about to purchase on more than five occasions! If so, it is most likely an essential item.
• Be the future-focused advocate
You can shop second-hand or new sustainable clothing all you want, but it makes no difference if you over-consume, over-produce, and abuse all resources. Lead by example - walk what you preach mindfully and gracefully, knowing that the choice you make today will ripple the effects of tomorrow.
We might not be able to reverse the effects of mass production and mass consumption in an instant. But if sustainable fashion has become a movement, it can soon become a lifestyle - once again.