The C Word

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How to have a social media detox

I decided to have a little social media detox and delete the Instagram and Facebook apps from my phone.

I was starting to get consumed and started to feel bad about myself because I was looking at other people’s lives, how they look, what they have and comparing myself to them. I had a week off from the apps and I can honestly say that I felt so much better in myself and also realised how much I use the apps and also how much time I waste. 

I have become so dependent on the mindless scrolling of these apps and seeing what ‘everyone else’ is doing that I’ve lost some of the meaning in what I do and how I enjoy life. 

I love social media, there’s no doubt about it and I think it’s amazing. There are so many benefits from being able to share our thoughts, photos, communicate and connect with each-other, date, work, promote, create, travel etc. Which is so cool especially being able to keep in contact with people overseas and getting inspired, however with anything there are always going to be downsides.

I find we are more insecure these days because of what we’re seeing on social media. We’re comparing ourselves to others in every area of our lives especially how we look, what we wear and how we live. It sucks so much because we only ever post the good stuff, our ‘highlight reels’ and no one really gets to see all the times you’re sad, don’t have any makeup on, not at the best angle, wear the same clothes or just being a normal person that doesn’t look like a curated model with a personal photographer 24/7.

We’re becoming slightly brainwashed into thinking that whatever is on social media is correct and the ‘standard’ of how we should all be. Every time we post or share something we are searching for instant validation and confirmation that we are living the ‘correct way’. We are basing our worth on the likes, comments and views that we receive and if we don’t get what we want we instantly think we aren’t good enough or worthy enough.

It can be so difficult to step back and not get caught up in everyone's best selves and realise not everything that’s posted is actually real. A good angle, smile, filter and some positioning of trendy items can give the illusion of a completely different life. At the end of the day, we have absolutely no idea what goes on behind closed doors and what people are going through or not going through. 

I just want to let everyone know that YOU ARE WORTHY enough and perfect the way you are. When you get rid of all the other stuff it’s what’s on the inside that ends up being the most important and what you post or don’t post doesn’t define you.

I am going to make a conscious effort this year to be on social media less and do the following: 

  • Unfollow accounts/people that don’t make me feel good

  • Have fun and laugh at myself

  • Follow inspiring accounts that make me feel good

  • Share photos and content because I want to, not for likes and validation from anyone else

  • Be myself and stop worrying what other people think 

  • Restrict my time on the apps

  • If I’m travelling or I’m somewhere cool, take a few photos and then put my phone away to be present and actually experience it through my own eyes and not the lens.

Be you for you, and no one else.

You can read more of Emily’s posts on her blog here.