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How to Conquer Gymtimidation and Feel Confident in Any Fitness Space

What’s preventing you from working out? Once upon a time, you loved to run, skip and jump as a child — what changed? For far too many, the answer is “gymtimidation.”

It’s natural to feel a little out of place when you first step into a gym, especially if it’s your first time or it’s been a while. However, if your fear of what others may think prevents you from reaching your fitness goals, it’s time for a crash course on how to feel confident in any fitness space.

What Is “Gymtimidation”?

Gymtimidation is avoiding the gym because you feel self-conscious. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable in your clothes, or you don’t know how to use the various machines or perform certain moves. Either way, your fear of how others may perceive you keeps you on your couch.

But, everyone needs physical activity to maintain their health. And, you might have needs that prevent working out in your living room. For example, many people with arthritis benefit from water workouts that cushion their joints, but few have home pools - therefore, you might struggle to meet your daily movement requirement if you hesitate to wear a bathing suit in public.

6 Ways to Feel Confident in Any Fitness Space

Ultimately, the only way to conquer gymtimidation is to screw your courage to the sticking place and get yourself to a health club. However, the following six tips can make that initial icebreaker moment much less stressful.

1. Take an Honest Look Around 

The one plus to being a couch potato is you aren’t alone. More than 60% of American adults fail to meet their daily exercise requirement. Guess what? By simply showing up at the gym, you’re lapping more than half of the population.

Those figures mean you won’t be the only person at the gym feeling a little like a baby deer the first time it tries to stand - plenty of others will share your trepidation!

You can even use this as an opportunity to meet people. It’s generally easy to differentiate between hurried gym-goers squeezing in a workout, and those who have time. Asking someone who doesn’t appear rushed how to use a piece of equipment is a great icebreaker.

2. Use the Buddy System 

Any scary activity becomes less so with a friend. The buddy system is an excellent way to conquer gymtimidation and enhance accountability. After all, it’s pretty difficult to justify staying in for a Netflix binge when you know your BFF is waiting for you by the elliptical machines!

3. Embrace Your Awkwardness 

Everyone is unique - and a little bit awkward - in their own way. In fact, those who deliberately intimidate others because they are insecure themselves.

Embracing who you are with all your awkwardness is the ultimate liberation. Try reciting an affirmation before you go to the gym, such as, “The right people will love me exactly the way I am.” That also means anyone who makes you feel insecure is simply telling you they don’t deserve your fabulousness. So go ahead and dance like no one is watching - even in the middle of a crowded Zumba class.

4. Invest in Flattering Duds

Comedian Billy Crystal once quipped, “Daahling, it’s not how you feel, it’s how you look.” Sporting workout gear that makes you feel good about your body is another method of overcoming gymtimidation.

Your best bet is to visit in-person retailers so you can find the most flattering fit. Additionally, choose brands that commit to sustainability, making you feel good inside and out.

5. Work Those Trial Memberships 

Every gym has a unique vibe. Some cater more to the bodybuilding crew, i.e. long racks of heavy dumbbells and an industrial interior. Others feature circuits of various machines for working all body parts, and then others concentrate on group fitness.

Additionally, some spots draw a more intense fitness crowd or cater to certain age groups, while others embrace more of a “big umbrella” approach. The bottom line is the only way to find the gym with the right vibe for you is to try a few on for size. Most facilities provide free memberships lasting from a single day to as many as two weeks. Take advantage of several different ones before signing on the dotted line for the one that suits you best and makes you feel most comfortable working out.

6. Treat It as a Mindset Exercise 

You are one tough cookie. You know that - and you aren’t going to let a little gymtimidation stand between you and your goals. Looking at fitness as a mindset exercise presents a healthy challenge. Can you stare your fear in the face and say, “Nuh-uh, I ain’t backing down, mister?”

Self-compassion goes hand in hand with bravery. If you can’t face the gym because it’s already been one of those days, be gentle with yourself, but resolve to try again tomorrow. When you do step through those hallowed doors, make a big fuss! While conquering your fear is a reward in itself, celebrating with a healthy fruit smoothie or oat milk matcha latte is the cherry on your courage sundae.


Mia Barnes is a health and wellness writer and the Editor In Chief at Body+Mind. She especially enjoys writing about mental health, physical well-being, mindfulness, and healthy living. When she's not writing, you can find Mia reading romance novels, jogging, and trying new recipes!

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