Poem: Life Lessons

Life lessons
What have I really learned We must practice Empathy
And compassion
That’s what life taught me But I knew that already

Life lessons
I will never forget
This time in life
The faces
Painful expressions
Uncertain times
In need of a miracle
As the world battered me
Left me bruised and numb Stunned into silence
The Grave is where freedom reigns


Valerie T

Valerie Tobi is a Communications & Advertising graduate. She was born and raised in London, before venturing out to study in America. Valerie describes herself as a creative individual with a passion for all things Music, Art, and Culture. Her love for poetry stems from music as she loves to write about the human experience. You can find more of Valerie's work on her social media: @valerie_the_creator. Twitter:ArtistValerie


Poem: A Day’s Heart


Poem: asking for it