Easy Garden Glow-Up: Quick Tips for Women Who Want Style, Not Stress

Creating a garden that’s fulfilling and inspiring throughout the year can be a tremendously rewarding thing. But it can also, sometimes, be taxing. Plants and other living things will tend to require constant attention if you’re going to get them into shape. If the idea of spending hours pruning, planting, researching, watering, weeding, and digging doesn’t appeal, then you might look for a kind of garden that doesn’t require quite as much maintenance. 

Fortunately, it’s possible to create a low-maintenance garden without spending a huge amount. Let’s consider a few of the key elements.

Set the mood with outdoor lighting

Getting the most out of your garden might mean paying attention to your lighting. This applies particularly if you’re going to be using the space in the evening, or if you’re using it a lot during winter. Solar lights have a number of advantages: they don’t require any disruptive wiring, they’re eco-friendly, and they cost nothing to run. You might install them around pathways and patios, along with hanging festoon lights.

Instant impact: decorate with pots and planters

Pots and planters provide a much more stylish, flexible approach to cultivation than traditional flowerbeds. You can easily rearrange the space, or remove certain delicate plants to a cosier environment. 

To minimise stress, you might look at low-maintenance plants, like lavender, succulents, and dwarf shrubs. Just make sure that you’re pairing the plant in question with a suitable container.

Furniture that does the talking

If you’re going to enjoy your garden, you’ll need a suitable place to sit down and take it all in. As in the home, a statement piece of furniture can provide a visual focal point. Look for something low-maintenance and vibrant. A quality bench, or a series of chairs and a table, can be just what’s required. Look for weather-resistant materials, like pressure-treated timber, if you want to avoid having to apply extra coats of sealant as time goes on.

Go green with artificial turf

If you don’t have the time or inclination to care for your lawn, then you might look into astroturf. Many of the modern options provide a look that’s similar to that of real grass – with the difference being that astroturf doesn’t need to be mown, weeded or watered.

Low-maintenance colour with seasonal additions

If you want to make sure that your garden keeps up with the changing seasons, then you can accent it with a few short-lived plants, ideally housed in pots or hanging baskets. Make a list of plants that thrive at a given time of year, and take the time to install your chosen pots every few months.

Declutter and define your space

The cleaner your garden looks, the more pleasant it will tend to be to occupy. Make sure that you have adequate storage space, in the form of boxes and sheds. This way, you won’t be tempted to leave loose tools and equipment scattered across the space, and you can easily get the garden looking organised for any last-minute guests. Pathways and flower beds should be clearly defined, and with their edges cut out cleanly for a manicured effortless look. 

Add personality with garden accessories

Not all of the decorations that you install in your garden need to be plants. Artificial elements, like mirrors, statues, and wind chimes, can also add character. If you want your space to be truly unique and reflective of your personality, then you might listen to your personal taste. Consider items from a variety of sources, including charity shops – and don’t be afraid to remove items that aren’t quite vibing with the space.

Your stress-free garden transformation

A great garden space doesn’t require a major work commitment. By putting in a little bit of effort upfront, you can structure the garden so that it won’t need as much attention in the long run. The right lighting, storage, and decorations can go a long way!


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