If This Happens In The Workplace, You Are On The Wrong Career Path
Having the opportunity to work in a company related to your academic field is not always a pleasant activity.
Top tips for business owners who have Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is something that isn’t spoken about very often as it can take a while to realise you have it and once you do realise it can feel like it is never going to go away.
Not getting enough leads? You may not know your market as well as you think
Right now, as we look as global pandemic squarely in the eyes, ask yourself, is it really the pandemic that has caused you to see a downturn in your business, or is it actually the fact that you haven't adapted quickly enough to the evolving world around you?
How To Market A Business During A Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of issues for small businesses.
6 ways small businesses can capitalise on the digital explosion of recent months
If nothing else, the previous three months of 2020 i.e. March-May has proven that content is king. And content that is useful, practical and available digitally is the king of them all!