From Nostalgia to Now: Caroline Culver on Crafting Emotional Indie Alt Anthems

From Nostalgia to Now: Caroline Culver on Crafting Emotional Indie Alt Anthems

Caroline Culver is an indie/alt singer-songwriter whose music effortlessly captures the raw emotions of life's fleeting moments. With a passion for storytelling that began at the age of eight, Caroline has developed a distinctive sound that blends introspective lyrics with evocative melodies. Influenced by the late 90s and early 2000s indie rock scene, her songs explore themes of nostalgia, longing, and self-realisation. In this interview, Caroline opens up about her creative journey, the deeply personal nature of her songwriting process, and how she navigates the ever-evolving music industry.

Nicolle: Hi, Caroline! First things first, could you introduce yourself and the kind of music you make?

Caroline: Indie/alt singer-songwriter.

Nicolle: Can you tell us about your musical journey? What inspired you to start creating music, and who were your biggest influences growing up?

Caroline: I started writing songs when I was 8. I always loved singing and writing so I put the two together and picked up piano and guitar at 12. I think even at a young age I wrote because I had to get it out (the emotions that is). I still have all of those songs from when I was 8-13 etc. and it was always very personal and what was happening in my little life lol. So I like to think being creative was more about the process of emotional release than anything.

Nicolle: What are some of the most recurring themes throughout your songs?

Caroline: nostalgia, longing, possibility, realisation, - visual memories of a specific moment that's my favourite thing to capture!

Nicolle: Your lyrics are often deeply personal and evocative. What’s your songwriting process like? Do you start with a melody, lyrics, or a particular emotion you want to convey?

Caroline: I tend to start with a moment I am remembering to dissect the feeling and write about the story. Usually, I have my guitar, and I subconsciously stream lyrics, and record them on my phone, until I say something that feels true and exciting. Then following that initial line or melody (sometimes the chorus comes first), I can tell where the rest of the story is headed and how to best continue to write the idea.

Nicolle: Every artist faces creative blocks at some point. How do you overcome those moments when the inspiration just isn’t flowing?

Caroline. I let it stop for a while. I think that if I force it I get frustrated. So I usually take that “uninspirational” time to go out and live life and experience more than I was. Focus on other things. Usually, inspiration comes in waves so I just don’t worry too much about writer's block; it's a part of the process for me.

Nicolle: How important is the visual aspect of your artistry to you, and how do you approach the process of creating these visuals to complement your music?

Caroline: Very important. It's probably one of my favourite parts of the creative process. I like to tell the story of the song through the photo. Usually, that means a memory, a nostalgic picture of me in that moment in time I wrote about.

Nicolle: You have a new song out called ‘Fleeting’, what was writing it like? Any fun stories? 

Caroline: Fleeting was different from the EP writing because it was more light-hearted. I wrote this one with a producer friend and toplined the lyric and melody and then looked back and realized what I was even writing about. I was in a place where I couldn’t make up my mind on anything and I blamed it on being a Gemini.

Nicolle: I love your song, ‘Maggie’. What is the story behind the song?

Caroline: Thank you. This is a song about knowing you aren’t supposed to be with someone but still feeling like your world stops when you find someone else. I was scared to release it at first, but then I felt like I truly let go of that person once I did. So it was the right thing.

Nicolle: If you could pick one artist dead or alive to write a song with, who would it be? Caroline: Lana Del Rey, Dido, Mitski, Taylor Swift or Donovan Woods

Nicolle: The music industry is constantly changing. How do you navigate the evolving landscape, and what advice would you give to emerging artists trying to find their place in it?

Caroline: Do what feels most natural. That goes for literally everything- promo, movement on stage, social media, talking, writing, everything.

Nicolle: How do you feel your music has evolved since you first started? Are there any specific experiences that have shaped your growth as an artist?

Caroline: I think having a community of songwriters and friends doing music in Nashville has really helped me grow and get better.  Performing live can be such a different experience compared to recording in a studio.

Nicolle: How do you prepare for live shows, and what do you enjoy most about connecting with your audience in that setting?

Caroline: Of course rehearsing with my band, picking out my outfit, and just reminding myself to have fun is how I like to prepare for live shows. I also think the timeline or the order of the songs is important. I always strive to have a beginning, middle and end of a show. I think talking is also important and gives you a peek inside the music a little further. I love talking to people after and hearing their connections, it is the coolest thing ever.

Nicolle: What/who are your biggest influences? Do you listen to old stuff from, let's say, the 80s, or do you prefer contemporary music?

Caroline: I think I am most influenced by late 90s- early 2000s indie alt-rock. I love The

National. They are by far my favourite band. Dido, Norah Jones, The Cranberries,

Mazzy Star. ugh love them so much. But I do listen to contemporary music a lot too. But the majority of the time I'm listening to old comfort records.

Nicolle: Last but certainly not least, do you have music coming soon?

Caroline: I do, hehe ☺

As Caroline continues to evolve as an artist, her music remains a heartfelt exploration of the emotions and memories that shape our lives. With a deep connection to her roots in indie and alt-rock, she brings a timeless quality to her songs that resonate with listeners across generations. As she prepares to release new music, there's no doubt that Caroline's ability to capture the essence of life's moments will continue to shine through, making her a voice to watch in the indie music scene.

Thank you, Caroline, for such a lovely interview. You can follow Caroline on Instagram here and you can listen to her latest song ‘Fleeting’ here. You can also listen to her album ‘See You in the Light’ on Spotify here.


Nicolle Knapova is a 30-year-old young adult writer and freelance blogger from the Czech Republic. She has a master’s degree in Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University. She loves to write about music, books and TV shows. If she’s not writing her fan fiction, she’s writing her poetry and sharing it on her Instagram @elisecaverly.

Nicolle Knapova

Nicolle is a 26 year old freelance poet and writer from the Czech Republic. She is currently living in her home country, working towards a masters degree in Creative Writing and Publishing at Bournemouth University. She loves to write about topics which might be difficult to discuss such as mental health.


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