Interview with Amy Anzel, founder of Hollywood Browzer

I’d be shocked if you hadn’t already heard of Hollywood Browzer or seen one of Instagram’s many influencers using the Browzer on their IGTV channels. If not, let me enlighten you. As stated on their website, ‘the Hollywood Browzer shapes the eyebrows and removes unwanted facial and body hair with no pain, redness or irritation while exfoliating the skin at the same.’ Basically it’s an affordable, effective hand-held tool that allows you to remove peach fuzz and dead skin cells at your convenience by exfoliating the skin, a process known as dermaplaning.

Having the chance to talk to Amy Anzel, the brains behind this award-winning multi-functional beauty tool meant that we could delve a little deeper into the wealth of thought that has gone into the business, why the Hollywood Browzer is unique and Amy’s incredible ‘businesswoman’ work ethic.

Why did you start Hollywood Browzer?

I started Hollywood Browzer after I was introduced to dermaplaning by a celebrity makeup artist when I was living in LA and pursuing acting in the early 2000s. This celebrity makeup artist dermaplaned my face before she applied my makeup and I was hooked! I could not believe the difference in how radiant my skin looked immediately afterwards and how flawless my makeup looked. I had no idea that the peach fuzz and dead skin cells on my face were preventing my makeup from looking totally flawless, my skincare from penetrating effectively and my skin looking radiant and glowing without makeup. I subsequently moved to the UK in 2009 and I couldn’t find any dermaplaning tools in pharmacies, stores, etc., so I decided to start manufacturing them myself, as I truly believe that every single woman should have one because everyone will benefit from dermaplaning no matter what their skin type is. Using it to shape the brows is, of course, another great use for it.

What makes Hollywood Browzer different to any other similar product?

We get this question a lot, and I appreciate that many people think that a cheap facial razor does the same thing. We encourage people to try the Browzer just once to see the difference for themselves…and they do! We use premium German stainless steel edges that are gentle, yet effective, and don’t rust or irritate the skin. This cannot be said of similar products on the market. Also, we have a rounded Precision Tip, whereas similar products have a sharp point that often pricks or cuts the user’s skin. Our design folds in to itself rather than have a cap, which can easily fall off and thus exposing the edge to the customer.

The Browzer also comes with a Protective Pouch to keep the tool clean and hygienic when it is in your makeup case or handbag. Ultimately, you’re putting this tool on your face, which is, of course, very delicate. Why would you use a cheap alternative when you could use a superior product that is still affordable and has quality control behind it, as well as a great customer service team available 24/7 to answer any questions you might have? We also have a money back guarantee, which cannot be said for similar products in the marketplace. We are confident that the Browzer is the most effective, safest and best option out there when it comes to dermaplaning tools.

Has starting a business in the beauty industry been difficult in terms of cutting through the noise and getting your brand to the right people?

Starting a business is always going to be difficult with lots of ups and downs, especially downs. You are going to hear ’no’ a lot from many people! When I hear ’no’, I actually hear ’Next Opportunity’. There is lots of noise to cut through, but just keep on persevering and it will pay off! We are now a 'Best Seller' and 'Amazon’s Choice’ in our category, which is so nice to see. This tells me that my hard work is paying off and that the quality of our product is appreciated by consumers. I let the product speak for itself and stand behind it 100%.

How did COVID-19 effect the business? Have you noticed any beauty trends that have changed as a result?

We saw our sales increase 300% during the first lockdown and we continue to see tremendous growth during the pandemic. This is because a lot of people cannot get to their beauty and hair removal appointments during lockdown as salons and clinics are closed during lockdown and in Tier 4, and even when they do reopen, many people are afraid to venture out and be so close to beauticians and clinicians. In general, I think people are looking to buy more DIY beauty products that give them salon like results without having to go the salon or clinic. There is also a lot more online versus in-store purchases due to store closures and people being told to stay home as much as possible during the pandemic.

What other women do you admire?

I look up to so many amazing, inspiring female entrepreneurs. I especially love Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. She, to me, is the epitome of fierce business owner and entrepreneur. I love her energy, her determination and her attitude. I also love that she juggles motherhood, marriage, and business, which is definitely not easy! She has worked so hard to get to where she is and I can relate to everything she says. I would love to be as successful as her one day! In the meantime, I’ll continue to follow her on Instagram, be inspired by her and work extremely hard! I always like learning from successful entrepreneurs as they usually have so many pearls of wisdom to drop.

You have noticeably used Instagram and Influencer Marketing to advertise the Hollywood Browzer, is this method of marketing fundamental in achieving success for Hollywood Browzer?

We have tried lots of different ways to market the brand. It’s like throwing spaghetti at a wall and seeing what sticks. Some things work out and some things don’t. Of course, you will see what works out and not usually what doesn't:). We used to think our core demographic was older women and then we randomly collaborated with a former Love Islander as ‘it couldn’t hurt’ and that was it! We found our sweet spot and what worked for the brand. This is not to say we don’t continue to explore other ways of marketing, but for now, we will, of course, continue to use influencers as it works well for us and their followers seem to really ‘get’ our products.

What advice would you give other women looking to start their own business?

Just do it! Don’t wait for all of your ducks to be lined up in a row or things to be perfect. You’ll just waste time. There will never be a perfect time to start your business. Someone once told me, that it’s okay to have an ‘ugly baby’ meaning the initial version might not be perfect, but you will learn and perfect things over time as you grow.

What’s next for Hollywood Browzer in 2021?

We have several new products launching in 2021, so keep your eyes peeled….your skin will thank you for it! Oh, and also expanding into every single territory around the globe. In other words, taking over the world:)

Emily King

Founder of The C Word, Emily is a 27 year old woman currently living in London. She is passionate about art, travel, culture, cinema, fashion, sports, dating, feminism and a whole lot more. She is currently working on her own podcast with a friend and also dabbles in graphic design, when not doing her day job as a project manager.


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