What Is the 10-3-2-1-0 Rule for Better Sleep?

Sleep is a basic human need, yet many individuals struggle to achieve quality rest. Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, dozing off can be challenging. If you struggle with long nights and restless mornings, consider adopting the 10-3-2-1-0 routine.

Discover the 10-3-2-1-0 rule for better sleep at night.

10: Avoid Caffeine Intake 10 Hours Before Bed

Most people rely on caffeine for alertness, allowing them to perform throughout the day. However, it can persist in the body for two to 12 hours and reach peak levels within an hour after consumption. Due to these effects, consuming it before bedtime can make it more challenging to sleep well at night.

If you struggle with insomnia, quit drinking coffee in the afternoon. Caffeine can help improve your sleeping patterns and decrease anxiety levels. If this is too challenging for you, try to swap coffee for tea six or seven hours before bed. If drinking coffee is a part of your evening routine, you can opt for decaffeinated options instead.

3: Limit Food and Alcohol Intake Three Hours Before Bed

Eating and drinking alcohol a few hours before bed can trigger digestive issues. Avoid indulging in midnight snacks and alcohol so you avoid disrupting your sleep with frequent bathroom visits. 

An occasional glass of wine with dinner is fine. If you want to snack before bedtime, do so frequently. Choose healthy foods such as nuts and dried berries.

2: Stop Working Two Hours Before Sleeping

Working from home has made it convenient for others to switch off a few moments before bedtime, which isn’t ideal for relaxation. You must allow at least two hours of downtime to enjoy quality rest.

The stress of a long, tiring day can lead to overthinking and anxiety that keeps you up at night. A practical tip for better sleep is finding a transition between work time and personal life. It could be as simple as doing a wrap-up routine, a 30-minute reading time or a low-impact exercise like yoga. 

You can also try progressive muscle relaxation to help release physical tension and stress. To do this, close your eyes and breathe in for five seconds and out for the same duration. Once you’re relaxed, tense each muscle group in the body as you inhale and release tension while exhaling.

1: Turn Off Screens an Hour Before Bedtime

One of the most effective tips for better sleep is decreasing screen time an hour before sleeping. The blue light emitted from electronic devices can interfere with melatonin production, making it more challenging to get quality rest. 

If you scroll through your feed before bedtime, place your smartphone in a different room. If you do need it to stay near you, ensure it’s on silent mode to avoid being distracted by notifications. One of the helpful ways to better sleep is to set your bedroom temperature around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Keeping a comfortable room temperature, you fall asleep more easily.

0: Never Snooze Alarm

The zero in this rule refers to no snoozing. Breaking the habit may be challenging, but practicing it can lead to better sleep at night. Hitting the snooze button frequently can lead to more grogginess. If you want to function well, rise the moment you hear your alarm.

What’s a Good Sleep Time for Adults?

Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep daily, although some can function with only six hours. If you feel sleepy during the day, chances are you haven’t had proper rest. Going to bed and waking up at the same time daily can help you set a consistent bedtime schedule.

Sleep Better to Unlock Your Best Self

A busy schedule can make it challenging to get quality rest, but the 10-3-2-1-0 technique can slowly help you get your much-needed slumber every day. Remember to follow these tips for better sleep to feel energized the next day.


Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.

Beth Rush

Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.


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