Crafting a Garden Sanctuary for Wellness and Relaxation

Finding a moment of calm during a busy day can prove tricky. Maybe you’re balancing your workday with the school run or perhaps you have a lot on your mind right now and rarely get a minute to yourself. 

But it’s important to prioritise your well-being. Taking the time to step away from the daily grind can make a huge difference. As well as helping you refocus on the task at hand, it can give you a moment to stop and prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed. 

One way to ensure you’re able to grab that time to yourself is to reimagine your outdoor space so that it becomes a sanctuary. Here are some tips to help transform your garden into an area that’s reserved for your own well-being.  

Why choose your garden as a focus on wellness? 

There are lots of ways to help promote good mental and physical health. One of these is to spend time outside. Being outdoors is good for us.

In fact, the link between nature and wellness has been studied often in the last few years. Back in 2019, the International Journal of Environmental Health Research revealed that just 20 minutes in a park, even if you don’t do any exercise, is enough to improve well-being. 

So, if you’re thinking of ways to look after your own mental health, it’s worth looking at the outdoor space you have and making it an area that you can enjoy. By incorporating elements that promote a sense of calm, you can make your garden a haven away from the to-do list. 

Give it a theme

You might want to begin by designing your garden with a theme in mind. Perhaps you love eclectic, scattered designs, in which case you might want to have a mismatched space with an array of plants in pots of clashing colours and vibrant patterns. Wildflowers could be the perfect addition here, too. 

Alternatively, you might be inspired by the concept of creating balance. If you like well-ordered patterns, it’s worth developing your garden in a way that is harmonious. Dividing the space into sections and having dedicated areas for rockery, flowers, shrubs and ornaments can all help to enhance the space. 

A feast for the senses

Spending time in your garden allows you to reconnect with your senses. Here are some ways you can tap into the senses when you reimagine your garden: 

Plant herbs

Herbs are known for their medicinal and therapeutic properties and incorporating them into your garden can provide a wealth of health benefits. Lavender, chamomile, and lemon balm are known for their calming effects and can help reduce stress and anxiety.

In addition, herbs add fragrance and flavour to your garden, creating a sensory experience that promotes relaxation and well-being. Plant herbs in pots or raised beds near seating areas so you can easily access them for cooking or aromatherapy.

Colour and light

The use of colour can impact your mood and emotional well-being. Choose a palette of calming, soothing colours such as soft blues, greens, and purples to create a sense of serenity and tranquillity.

Add colourful flowers and foliage into your garden design, paying attention to the way different colours complement and contrast with each other. Consider the seasons and select plants that will provide year-round interest, with blooms and foliage that change as the months progress. 

As well as colour, consider the lighting design of your garden. A string of lights around branches or along fences can add a touch of magic as the sun sets. 

Water features

The sound of flowing water can have a calming effect, making water features a popular choice for wellness gardens. Whether it's a trickling fountain or a serene pond, there are lots of ways to introduce water into the space. Place water features strategically throughout your garden to create focal points and enhance the overall sense of relaxation.

Seating areas

A garden for wellness wouldn't be complete without comfortable seating areas where you can relax. Choose seating that is both practical and inviting, such as benches, chairs, or hammocks, and place them in quiet corners or beneath shady trees. 

Consider adding cushions, throws, and outdoor rugs to create a cosy and inviting area. Surround seating areas with fragrant plants and flowers to enhance the sensory experience and create a space where you can truly relax and recharge.


Mia's passion for travel extends beyond the pages of their writing. They are also an advocate for responsible and sustainable travel, believing that exploring the world should leave a positive impact on both the environment and the communities visited.


Mia's passion for travel extends beyond the pages of their writing. They are also an advocate for responsible and sustainable travel, believing that exploring the world should leave a positive impact on both the environment and the communities visited


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