4 Tips for Broaching Difficult Conversations in Relationships

It's never easy to bring up uncomfortable topics in a relationship. However, effective communication is paramount in relationships. Being able to talk to each other and share the good, the bad, and the ugly can be instrumental in supporting a healthy relationship and ensuring that we are on the same page.

Communication issues are often cited as a common reason for breakdowns in relationships, and being unable to communicate freely or effectively can cause many issues. That being said, not all topics are as easy to broach as what we should watch on TV tonight or if you fancy going for dinner. Some topics can take a lot of courage and a lot of trust.

So, instead of brushing things under the carpet or skirting around the issue, these tips can help you set the scene and talk about what you need so no wires are crossed and everyone is clear on things.

Know What You Want To Accomplish

Knowing what you want from the conversation will help you come to a mutually beneficial conclusion. The goal needs to be something that works for both of you and is realistic. Goals like getting your partner to concede you are right or come around to an outer point of view aren't always fair and can lead to resentment. So, identify a preferable outcome for both of you, or you can steer the conversation to this conclusion.

Prepare Both Parties

If it's a serious topic, it's unfair for only one party to come to the table knowing exactly what will be discussed. This will likely put your partner on the back foot and won't give you an even playing field. If you've had time to dwell on the topic and think about things, they deserve that courtesy, too. So inform them prior to the conversation about what you want to talk about so they, too, have time to think things over.

Be Calm and Respectful

To make the conversation work, strive for open and clear communication with both parties and be calm and respectful of each other. Remember, everyone is entitled to their own feelings and opinions, and you cannot diminish another person's feelings simply because you don't understand or appreciate their point of view. Use phrases such as "I apologise for being upset, but I feel passionate about this" or "I'm sorry for struggling. I find it hard to be honest about this." Recognise when things are about to escalate to calm things down and avoid the chat going the wrong way.

Stay On Topic To Reach Your ConclusionConclusion

Avoid veering off topic and talking about other things unnecessary to your main point. It doesn't matter what the topic is; if you go off on a tangent, this can undo things and ultimately not end up getting the resolution you're after.

Always ensure that you end the conversation with a conclusion, as discussed above. If you agree to revisit it again, set a date for when you will circle back to the topic. If you agree to make changes or purchases, such as gay sex toys, then set a deadline for this to happen so you can move forward. Regarding the resolution, you need to come up with one and ensure you end the conversation with a suitable conclusion.


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