The Right to Choose: Why Abortion Rights Matter

The discussion surrounding abortion has become ramped up in recent years. Since Roe V Wade, women have had the right to choose in most places in the US, and yet we’ve been watching all of the hard work of the women who came before us be rolled backwards by religious extremists and political game playing. 

It's unfortunate that we're living in a time where political opinion can come into the race when it comes down to women being able to choose what they want to do with their bodies. In some countries you can get the abortion pill by post and in other countries it doesn't matter what your religion or your background is, you have that right to choose because it's your body that's going to be going through a pregnancy and beyond.

The unfortunate reality is that pro-lifers have now become pro-birthers because those same people who scream for pro-life and who believe that life begins at conception are also the same people that vote down policies that help mothers, fathers, the educational system and people from becoming homeless. You can't be pro-life if you're not pro-what happens to the child after it's born. You can't scream that it's parental responsibility when you've forced somebody to become a parent when they didn't want to. The right to choose should never be up for debate, but if you need any further reasons as to why it's necessary.

Here are 5 reasons why women should absolutely have the right to choose whether they remain pregnant. 

  1. In the 14th Amendment under the rights of privacy, women are capable of making their own medical decisions regarding their own bodies without the intrusion of the government. It's just unfortunate that the current government doesn't agree with that.

  2. There is a solid argument that life does not begin at conception. For the religious, the Bible explicitly states that life begins at birth. Personhood begins once a fetus can survive outside of the womb. If you consider that pro-lifers believe that life begins at conception, those same people also believe that you can't claim insurance for a child who was conceived. They also believe that you can't claim child support for a child that is not yet born. So why is it abortion and personhood only seems to apply when it comes to stopping women from choosing?

  3. Not everybody wants a pregnancy. People often claim that women who don't want to be pregnant should not be engaging in extramarital or even marital sex. And yet women often don't get the choice in that matter. Those who force themselves upon women don't give women the choice in the first place, which essentially means that by banning women from choosing, abortion allows rapists to choose the mother of their children.

  4. With access to legal abortion by professionally trained surgeons and doctors, women will not be dying at such high rates. Abortion doesn't go away just because it's banned, it just becomes more dangerous.

  5. If it was men who got pregnant, this wouldn't even be a debate. 


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