Staying Safe on a Night Out with Friends

If you're excitedly heading out for the night with your friends, one of the best ways that you can prepare for it isn't just doing your hair and makeup, it's planning ahead to stay safe. It should be something that you do to enjoy yourself, but going out for a night out when you are under the influence of alcohol or other potential substances can put you in a very vulnerable position.

You can be the most streetwise and knowledgeable person in the world, but you may still end up needing the services of expert sexual offence solicitors should the night go wrong. While no one likes to think of the night going wrong, it's always important to think ahead and that way you can look out for each other and take some precautions to remain safe. So here's how you can stay safe on a night out with your friends.

  1. Plan ahead. A big part of the fun on a night out is being able to plan so that everybody is safe. Arranging safe transport to and from a venue so that none of you have to drive under the influence is smart, and make sure that you've charged your phone or smartwatch before you go anywhere. Ideally, you want to let somebody know your location if you're meeting a friend or going out as a group, make sure that you all hold each other accountable for locations. When one of you pees, everybody pees. Always carry your ID and your phone and enough cash or a card to cover some food or any transport. Try not to worry about bringing too many valuables out with you.

  1. Drink safely. A part of the fun is socially drinking with friends, getting a little buzz on and letting your hair down for a good time. Nothing is inherently wrong with that, but you need to stay in control. When you're drinking alcohol, you're more vulnerable to assault, violence, or being led astray. Alcohol affects everybody very differently, so you have to get to know your limits, and doing it with your friends is smart. But drink slowly and space your alcoholic drinks out with water so that you avoid dehydration. If you keep a note of how many alcoholic drinks you've had, you'll feel better about it.

  2. Be alert with your drink. Never accept a drink that you haven't seen the bar staff pour yourself. It's lovely if somebody decides to send you a drink at the bar and it's very flattering, but unless you've watched that drink be poured out, you need to ask for a swap. If you need to go to the bathroom, take your drink with you or get your friends to hold it with their hand over the top. You should never leave your drinks unattended at any point and keep an eye on your friends' drinks as well. If you're all going out together, you should be looking out for one another.

  3. Stick together. As with anything, there is safety in numbers so stay within a group when possible. If you're going to split from your group of friends, take somebody with you and if you plan to go home then make sure you're not going by yourself. It's always a good idea to make sure you have return transport on standby or somebody to come and pick you up. 


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