Play review: A dolls house by Henrik Ibsen

I read this play in my female-only English Literature class in sixth form, and safe to say it conjured up some heated discussions.

This Norwegian play based in the 17th century follows the stereotypical marriage of Nora and Helmer, together forming a relationship webbed in lies. This piece evokes a huge sensation of female empowerment and a sort of ‘coming of age’ moment for the protagonist. Reading this as a woman, I questioned myself about how we act in modern relationships, but also how much we have evolved and learnt. 

Should women use their sexual attributes as a means of power? Should we play into the role of a sexualised female, and to what extent?

This short read will make you stop and think as well as root for the female character.

Lily Maret

Lily is a 17 year old always striving for more. With her interests and hobbies based around cooking, reading, fitness, well-being and puzzle-making she hopes to enlighten people about wellbeing and the importance of our environment through her future Geography degree in London. As a bilingual in French and English, she feels in touch with different cultures and ideologies and only wants more, more and more.


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