The C Word

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Nobody carries a sign announcing -

what they have to offer me,

My genuine intention is connecting-

with some special person who may be-

he, she or "Thee."

I need consistency-

and relation of trustworthy,

I see the blue sky and explain my queries,

"Oh, I'm so bad at this-"

It replies, "whatever I am internally,

can not be the visualization same externally.

Do you think all the time,

my surface will be blue by prime?

With the different periods of time,

weather draws the changes into mine."

I see the crash of waves,

And I open up my feelings,

"My strength changes from gentle pulse

to a stormy weave, a chaos, a nightmare!!"

Waves reply with how they are gone-

With both calm and aggressive pattern!

I begin to pray before wind-

as if it can read out my mind!

And wind comes up with its own details,

"I never run at a consistent speed,

My speed depends upon specific environments,

I do not know which type and speed nature has decided in the day ahead-

I probably have a sense of what the season holds,

Depending upon the need of climate,

I swing, air blows."

My main focus is to visualise a path

Of consistency,

When I look into my mind, I see it wanders and its motion has no fixed


I return to my regular breathing inhale and out halation -

My breath and pulse shift accordingly with my physical and mental condition.

Now my visualization creats a change-

Now my mind is not in a haze-

If we follow nature carefully and wisely,

We will not get stuck into consistency-

Obviously, we will move forward significantly.


Soma Bose is a political science graduate from Kolkata University, currently living in Pune. She loves to read and write English stories. A few of her self written micro fictional stories have been published in the Scottish online journal, Friday Flash Fiction, as well as poems also. Some have been published in the New-Zealand based journal, Flash-Frontier. Currently she is active in writing for India's Bangalore-based online journal named Indus Woman Writing.

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