Girl Crush: Celebrating the wonder that is Jane Austen
One of the most forward thinking, successful female writers of all time. It would be difficult to celebrate Women’s History Month without mentioning the literary hero, Jane Austen. For those of you who are unfamiliar with her work, her novels interpret, critique and comment on the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th Century. They depict the dependence of women upon marriage in order to achieve financial and social stability, for life.
Mae Jemison: Reaching beyond the stars with NASA
We discover the journey Mae Jemison took to become the first women of colour to become an astronaut and go into space
Just So We’re Clear: Hanli Hoefer is Awesome
Hanli Hoefer makes the rest of us look lazy - she started modelling at 15 and has been hustling ever since.
Malala: from Innocent Victim of the Taliban to a World-Renowned Activist
In 2012, a Pakistani teenager was shot in the head by the Taliban.
Kitty Marion and The Battle for Suffrage
In the Museum of London there’s a scrapbook with a selection of carefully-clipped newspaper cuttings, all yellowed by time.
Girl crush: Lizzo
It was 2019 when Lizzo, pronounced Liz-zo, two syllables, sang for Simon Cowell and opened one of the most popular shows on British TV, X Factor.
Celebrating Frida Kahlo: More than Just a Girl Crush
In honor of Women’s History Month, this article is a tribute to Frida Kahlo, or seen on her birth certificate as Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon.
Girl Crush: Taylor Swift
Is there anything worth remembering of 2020? Yes. I can actually name two.
10 Reasons To Crush On AOC
Who is AOC? If you haven’t heard of American politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yet…where have you been?
Girl Crush: Kamala Harris – and celebrating little victories
You may have seen, since last week’s heavily anticipated election results, the world rejoice.
Girl Crush: Sarah Smith
I first heard about Sarah Smith when I saw a post about her on Women’s Health Instagram page - after clicking through the link, and reading more about her, it’s no wonder we want to put her as one of our Girl Crush posts.
Girl Crush : Raymonda
It was truly an honour to be able to interview the singer and songwriter Raymonda for the simple fact that she will be big in no time ! As an emerging artist in the industry she talks about her creative process in writing, tips on starting out, her new single and a whole lot more. Her love songs are very heartfelt and soulful and need to be listened to over and over again !
In conversation with…Elz The Witch
Social media starlet, Elz the Witch, has made a name for herself, not only as a result of her YouTube channel (with 93k+ subscribers), but also as a bold, young woman in the UK gaming industry.