Girl Crush Eloise Ladkin Girl Crush Eloise Ladkin

Girl Crush: Celebrating the wonder that is Jane Austen

One of the most forward thinking, successful female writers of all time. It would be difficult to celebrate Women’s History Month without mentioning the literary hero, Jane Austen. For those of you who are unfamiliar with her work, her novels interpret, critique and comment on the British landed gentry at the end of the 18th Century. They depict the dependence of women upon marriage in order to achieve financial and social stability, for life.

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Music, Art, Interview, Writing, Tips Lily Maret Music, Art, Interview, Writing, Tips Lily Maret

Girl Crush : Raymonda

It was truly an honour to be able to interview the singer and songwriter Raymonda for the simple fact that she will be big in no time ! As an emerging artist in the industry she talks about her creative process in writing, tips on starting out, her new single and a whole lot more. Her love songs are very heartfelt and soulful and need to be listened to over and over again !

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