Girl crush: Lizzo
It was 2019 when Lizzo, pronounced Liz-zo, two syllables, sang for Simon Cowell and opened one of the most popular shows on British TV, X Factor.
Girl Crush: Taylor Swift
Is there anything worth remembering of 2020? Yes. I can actually name two.
10 Reasons To Crush On AOC
Who is AOC? If you haven’t heard of American politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yet…where have you been?
Girl Crush: Kamala Harris – and celebrating little victories
You may have seen, since last week’s heavily anticipated election results, the world rejoice.
Girl Crush: Sarah Smith
I first heard about Sarah Smith when I saw a post about her on Women’s Health Instagram page - after clicking through the link, and reading more about her, it’s no wonder we want to put her as one of our Girl Crush posts.