Illustrator spotlight: Amy Hart

Amy has a love of collecting items that intrigue her, from places such as car boots and charity/ antique shops. She incorporates this into her work through detail and colour composition. Her work is primarily female focused taking inspiration from the women she is drawn to. Her work features vintage/ chic patterns and playful colour palettes to engage with various subject matter, such as fashion, botanicals and interior. She has also travelled in the past few years to various locations which has helped shape her illustrative style, and given her a fresh perspective. Her work is usually achieved through gouache painting which is then digitally enhanced for extra detail to be added. She loves having that traditional element, so her work has that handmade feel to it. 

If you would like to work with Amy or know anymore about her creative world then check out her website or for all the in’s and out’s of what she’s up to and her progress head on over to her Instagram @amyhartillustration.

Emmeline Pankhurst

Emmeline Pankhurst



Amy Hart

Amy is a 25 year old illustrator having recently moved from London to currently living in the Bronte Countryside, Haworth of West Yorkshire. Her work is primarily female focused taking inspiration from the women she is drawn to. Her work features vintage/ chic patterns and playful colour palettes to engage with various subject matter, such as fashion, botanicals and interior.

Artist spotlight: MADLOAF


Illustrator spotlight: Faustine Aper-Nitche