Artist spotlight: Brooklyn Michelle

 Artist Bio

Brooklyn Michelle is a triple threat. She is best known as a recording artist and producer for hits such as Retail Therapy, Cold and The Feels, but Brooklyn’s creative side also comes out on canvas. Mostly specializing in figurative realism, Brooklyn actually began her artistic career as a hobby, painting dogs she would look after. Her hobby quickly caught the attention of friends of family and soon developed into an opportunity to commission her work. With requests coming in by the dozens for pieces in styles she was not even familiar with, Brooklyn took it as an opportunity to grow her skill set and develop her craft further. Taking on each piece as a challenge, she learned new techniques and aesthetics. Brooklyn’s art has since transformed into a variety of styles ranging from realism, abstract, human portraits, to landscapes. She most recently released her first abstract collection which sold out almost immediately. When Brooklyn isn’t working on new music, she can almost always be found escaping the real world in her studio working on her artistic craft.

If you are interested in securing a piece yourself, you can reach out to 

You can also find all current pieces for sale on her art page of her website: 

Emily King

Founder of The C Word, Emily is a 27 year old woman currently living in London. She is passionate about art, travel, culture, cinema, fashion, sports, dating, feminism and a whole lot more. She is currently working on her own podcast with a friend and also dabbles in graphic design, when not doing her day job as a project manager.


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