So…You’re Pregnant
When you first find out that you're expecting - it's full of the unknown, but the unknown can be scary and that’s the last thing you want your pregnancy to be.
Here's a list of 45 things we think you should know...
1. You're 4 weeks pregnant when technically you only conceived 2 weeks ago… That’s right, 2 weeks of that you absolutely aren’t pregnant but because they go from menstrual period rather than conception date you're a month pregnant - hence adding 2 weeks to your Clearblue result.
2. Car chairs (car seats) are crazily more expensive than you'll ever imagine! Who knew?!
3. When you open a nappy and expose baby bits to cold air... They go to the toilet. BIG PROBLEM WITH BOYS SQUIRTING YOU WITH URINE! Top tip, open the nappy, close it quickly, give a few seconds…Open it again.
4. New born babies don't do much other than sleep. They will have you wondering what all the fuss was about.
5. Sleep deprivation feels like it can kill you. There is a REASON it's a torture technique. Try to get as many power naps as possible and don't drive tired.
6. Baby boys get erections. Best we get that out the way early to avoid shock.
7. After a natural birth, touching your toes whilst going to the toilet will help urine not to sting you.
8. Having your first stool after a natural birth can be WORSE than birth. Ask to take home the gas and air canister. No but seriously, lactulose from a pharmacy will help soften it up. Then if you pretend to blow a balloon up on the toilet that will help also.
9. Little baby girls can have a 'period' when they're first born. Don't panic, it's normal.
10. Raspberry leaf tea will soften your cervix for an easy more progressive labour. Talk to your midwife about when to start this!
11. You cannot plan a birth, I repeat, you cannot plan a birth. I mean.. You can try but mother nature sometimes has other plans. So don't be disheartened if it isn't what you planned.
12. If you really want an epidural, BE PERSISTENT. Don't be scared to ask for what you want and make sure your birth partner is fully on board.
13. Breastfeeding is hard. Worth it. But really really hard. Making sure you have adequate support is key.
14. Despite this sounding incredibly scary, it's amazing. Actually truly amazing.
15. There is no meal equivalent to the first piece of toast after birth... Absolutely incredible.
16. An empty cot is a safe cot. No mobiles, no blankets, no cuddly’s. Nada. Just your baby and a sleep bag.
17. Isofix for car seats makes life much, much easier. Check if they fit your car.
18. Your car insurance MAY be invalid for 6 weeks after a c-section. Double check with your insurer.
19. You have to give birth to your placenta.. After your baby. Sometimes you're given an injection to help speed things along.
20. THAT RUSH OF LOVE that you expect, might not happen immediately. It might take weeks or even months. Totally normal.
21. Third day hormones are a thing!!! Prepare for a roller-coaster of emotions.
22. Newborn clothes last approximately 30 seconds.
23. MASTITIS is a very painful blockage of milk/milk duct and can have flu like symptoms alongside hot and swollen breasts- go to your doctor if you think you might have it.
24. Make sure you're able to express/your baby will take a bottle if you need to be away from your baby for more than a few hours!
25. Burp burp and burp again, gassy babies are hell.
26. Playing white noise may help settle a baby to sleep. Alexa might come in handy for this one.
27. Joining an online baby forum is helpful for some new mums, for peace of mind, new friendships and to have a good old whinge about anything and everything.
28. Hair during pregnancy goes into a resting phase where you hold on to every hair. Making your hair thick and luscious. After birth you shed 9 months worth of don't panic when your plughole is full.
29. It’s widely debated that Oats increase milk supply, get flapjacks, Porridge and hobnobs. (apparently this is a myth but you can still use it to get your fill of hobnobs 😂)
30. Don’t look your partner in the eye after birth without contraception, you are likely to be VERY fertile.
31. Bathing a baby can be daunting, a great tip is to test the water with your elbow and use a bath support. Note that babies can be very slippery when wet.
32. Linea nigra is a dark line across your stomach during pregnancy caused by melanin and nothing to be alarmed by.
33. Cabbage leaves out the fridge then popped in your bra, is a great way to soothe engorged breasts.
34. Always point a little boys penis down in the nappy.
35. With subsequent babies...You're more likely to experience after pains that can feel as bad as contractions, sometimes worse.
36. Think you can still feel the baby kicking although she's in the crib? Many people report phantom kicks even years after birth.
37. Tying in with the resting hair phase, you will begin to grow NEW hair around your hairline after birth resulting in rather a lot of fly away baby hair.
38. To avoid accidents/prolapse after birth, be sure to follow the midwife's advice on kegels/pelvic floor training.
39. Peppermint tea is great to help with trapped wind after a c-section but best to check with a midwife if you're breastfeeding.
40. BABIES FIRST STOOL is like a sticky black tar - think black super glue… Or black hair extension glue…
41. Think very carefully about a 'hot curry to bring on labour '... Because with pushing, you may also ...y'know...soil yourself.
42. You will always hear the baby crying when you're in the shower. They're not crying. Just trust me... They're not.
43. Rolling over in bed heavily pregnant might take a few hours rolling over in bed pregnant with SPD WILL take the entire night, make you cry and then you'll decide the other side was better.
44. A good tip would be to leave the baby bath full until a while after you've gotten them out.. The warm water sometimes makes them have a bowel motion, which may result in re-washing.
45. Last but not least, NIGHT SWEATS are something nobody will really tell you about. Make sure to have a few spare nighties.
So that’s our tips on pregnancy and new borns - hopefully this will help with some of the things that aren't widely known or spoken about, and that some of our tips will give you the light bulb moment when you need them most (make sure it’s pointing down in the nappy)