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How Stress Affects Your Skin (Plus Tips for Managing Chronic Stress)

Stress is a normal part of everyday life. Yet, when it takes a mental and emotional toll, you may notice how it leaves its mark on your skin. From sudden breakouts to unwelcome dry patches, your skin often speaks first when the pressures of daily life begin to pile up. Chronic stress affects your skin in various ways, so it’s important to understand how and what you can do to manage what life throws your way.

How Does Chronic Stress Affect Skin?

Have you ever noticed how your skin changes after a truly stressful week? You may think this is just your imagination, but in reality, there’s a complex conversation happening under your skin. When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol, which is like sounding the alarm bells inside your body. This hormone tells your glands to produce more oil, setting the stage for acne flare-ups and other skin woes.

Beyond the oil, stress can also trigger an inflammatory response in your body. This can lead to redness, breakouts and exacerbating conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Have you had a rash appear out of nowhere during exam week or after a big meeting at work? That’s your skin reacting to your internal stress signal.

Moreover, chronic stress can affect your skin’s barrier function — the outer layer that keeps the bad out and the good in. When your barrier weakens, your skin becomes susceptible to infections and environmental damage. As a result, your skin can look tired, dull and unhappy overall.

While you may have heard the advice to relax to look your best, it’s rooted in the truth. Managing stress can lead to visible changes in your skin’s health and appearance. So, understanding this is the first step in reclaiming your skin’s glow from the clutches of stress.

How Do You Manage Chronic Stress for Healthier Skin?

Acne is the most common skin condition that 50 million Americans experience, affecting around 15% of adult women. With chronic stress being one of the leading causes of acne breakouts, you can learn how to manage it using several strategies.

1. Determine What’s Triggering Your Stress

First, you should get to the root of the problem, figuring out exactly what is causing you stress. Stressors range from job pressures and personal relationships to financial worries or health issues.

To discover the underlying cause of your stress, start by keeping a diary. Jotting down when you feel stressed and what’s happening at that time can lead to eye-opening insights. It can be an excellent exercise in self-awareness but also your map to managing anxiety better. 

Once you know what sets you off, you can develop strategies to face these triggers more calmly or avoid them altogether. For instance, if deadlines at work consistently throw you into a frenzy, could better time management or delegating tasks help?

2. Establish an Exercise Routine

Who knew that breaking a sweat could lead to a smoother complexion? Exercise may help you get fit, but it's also a powerful antidote to stress. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins — those feel-good hormones that act like natural painkillers and mood lifters. Regular physical activity helps lower the levels of the body’s stress hormones, giving your skin a chance to rejuvenate. 

3. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Women often experience more anxiety and depression than men. This is because the whirlwind of daily tasks and deadlines can make finding a moment of peace challenging. Yet, a serene pause can be what you need to manage chronic stress and your skin.  

So, try mindfulness and meditation when seeking refuge from the chaos. It teaches you to anchor yourself in the present moment. Incorporating it into your life will lead to noticeable changes, such as your mental health and complexion.

4. Eat a Balanced Diet

It’s true what they say — you are what you eat. When dealing with chronic stress management and skin health, a balanced diet plays a starring role. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can fight oxidative stress — a byproduct of stress contributing to skin ageing and inflammation. Meanwhile, a diet high in processed foods and sugars may elevate stress levels and worsen skin conditions.

5. Partake in Stress-Free Activities

When the world feels like it’s in fast-forward mode, it’s crucial to hit pause and indulge in activities that recharge your batteries and soothe your soul. Stress-free activities are so pleasurable that they actively reduce cortisol levels and enhance mood. 

Consider reading, gardening or crafting. Another coping mechanism is indulging in music you used to listen to as a teenager. Tuning into oldies but goodies can be a great way to unwind and relive the days when you felt more freedom.

Learn How to Manage Chronic Stress and Start Glowing

Using strategies to manage chronic stress can take your skin to a whole new level. As you turn them into daily practices, you’ll notice the positive changes taking place in your body and mind. Celebrate a healthier, happier you with every stress-free step you take!


Beth, the Managing Editor and content manager at Body+Mind, is well-respected in the mental health, nutrition and fitness spaces. In her spare time, Beth enjoys cooking and going for runs with her dog.

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