The C Word

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5 Tips To Keep Your Vagina and Vulva Happy and Healthy

Today, I want to talk about vaginas and vulvas, I’m comfortable with the physiology and biology that wraps around this topic, but why does thinking about my vulva in a sex positive, happy and healthy way still make me feel a little uncomfortable?

Well, for starters it’s certainly got something to do with the wider societal conditioning of women. The taboo around female pleasure and more recently, the porn industry….

Anyway, without further ado here are some tips and myth-busting to help keep your relationship with your body happy and things ‘down there’ healthy!

Appreciate what God gave you!

  • Labias, your outer ‘vaginal’ lips, come in all shapes and sizes, contrary to what the porn industry might lead us to believe – size, shape and even colours of the labia can range from light pink to a deep brownish red-pink

  • Fragrance-free products not vaginas, perfumed soaps and wipes are a bad idea my friends. They may temporarily keep your lady member feeling and smelling fresh AF, but they can disrupt the pH externally and internally leading to irritation and potentially Thrush. Keep those products fragrance-free and pH balanced.

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  • Get yourself a good quality lube, this helps reduce irritation, stop condoms breaking and enhances sexual pleasure and satisfaction. We love Sliquid – whether it’s their Oceanics or Sassy booty gel range – its fragrance free, organic, vegan, SDL free and beautifully packaged. They also do a sex toy cleaner, don’t worry, better late than never.

  • Use condoms, cheaper than a baby and cooler than an STI – whether it’s protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or becoming impregnated, they’ve got a bad rep but they’re a personal favourite. If you’re single, make sure you buy a range of sizes or be willing to laugh it off.

  • Track your period with an app– my period synced with the new moon last month and well, that was a rabbit hole worth going down. It can help shed light on weight, mood and discharge changes. There is growing evidence to suggest your exercise performance is linked to your cycle – so why not harness the power of it. I’ve been using the Clue app for over 3 years. If you want to use a menstrual cycle tracker as a form of contraception, download an app like Natural Cycles and make sure you use the daily thermometer.

And finally, get that cervical smear test booked in 😊 – this needs to happen every 3 years for most of the population, its pain free and if you’re worried please consult your GP.






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