The C Word

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A new scripture

These are unprecedented times, when human sensitivity, bonds and emotions are severely tested.

Perhaps it is also an eye opener to set stereotypes, which otherwise would never have been subjected to intense introspection, to be reshaped to fit into the current factual scenario.

One is scared for one’s life and for the life of the seniors living in the house. One prays that none of the members of anyone’s family or extended family should be admitted in the hospital. What if one of them decided to kick the bucket?

Indian social norms for the better or worse inculcate herd mentality. Every whim or practice is carried out in herd formations. If there is an occasion for rejoicing, it is done in a herd form; if it is grieving, then again it is conducted in herd formation; all births and birthdays are celebrated by forced choice in herd form.

Normally this thinking would not pose a challenge, but it is at times like the present Pandemic that this herd mentality is posing a stiff challenge.

Patients have known to be abandoned by relations disregarding the centuries old social norm and ethics. Human emotions have never been so challenged. People with genuine social service instincts find themselves to be restricted in their natural actions due to fear of death. One wants to help, but is severely restrained by the fear that what if Coronavirus enters the household and he/she exposes the entire family due to that one social work instinct around us.

Who could have ever imagined that goodness and scriptural teachings would contradict their own description?

Despite there being such instances in ancient times, where entire civilizations were wiped away due to a pandemic, why haven’t the scriptures provided us with a code of conduct during such laboured times? At least this would have put us mere mortals out of our dilemmas!

I hope philosophers and anthropologists write a Bible, a Veda, a Granth, specifically applicable to such morally tough times for the generations to follow.

Lest this be considered a humorous piece, I hasten to add that I am advocating the above scripture in all seriousness. We need guidance as to what our behavioural pattern should be without putting others around us in danger and yet which should be morally correct.