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The future of education and how to improve it

The 19th century is significant for widespread public education. As of 1820, only 12 percent of the world's population could read and write. However, the figure took a sharp reverse in 2016, when only 14 percent of people worldwide remained illiterate. 

Beyond basic knowledge and literacy, the total growth of education has increased consistently over time. Universities and colleges have spread widely across the globe since the late twentieth century. Between 1970 and 2020, the rate of adults with no formal education dropped from 23 percent to 10 percent, and those with a partial education went from 16 percent to 36 percent according to OECD.

Despite this growth in learning, the traditional method of learning remained mostly unchanged since the 19th century. The model still involves students being divided by grades while learning a set curriculum broken down into subjects, and being subject to evaluation. 

Although the introduction of technology has greatly impacted education today, there are still old principles that shape how we learn. These changes affect not only the students but the teachers and the entirety of the education system, therefore the future of education should be deliberated upon as the days pass by.

Today's education is not what it was five to ten years ago. Considering the steady growth of the world, especially in regards to technology, education would soon transform totally from this stage to another. Given the pattern of its growth, some predictions will most likely become of education in 30-50 years from now. 

How to Improve the Future of Education

In recent thoughts, people have come up with predictions regarding the future of education. Below are some events to be expected, and how to start preparing for a better and more conducive future in education.

Personalized Learning

Dealing with the various peculiarities of students in one classroom has been a major challenge for educators. Several years from now, students need to cover subject materials with study tools designed according to the capabilities of a student. More attention should be paid to students to discover their strengths and weaknesses. Those who find certain subjects difficult should have the opportunity to practice more till they attain the required level.  About 93 percent of professional educators agree that personalized learning help accelerates learning. 

E-Learning Platforms

With the constant advancement of technology, learning will soon adopt technology to convey its message. Several online platforms for easy learning should be developed. Education should also incorporate virtual reality and several perspectives. In 2016, The Babson Survey Research Group reported that 28 percent of college students in the USA attended at least one class on the internet. Over 80 percent of the world's population own smartphones, so online learning must be an intentional growth in the education sector.

Improved Curriculum

Schools will need to review their curricula in order to grow in the education sector. Rather than sticking to old-school traditions and models of study in English, Math, Social Studies, and other subjects, they should be tailored to emerging economies and technologies. These outdated and fundamental subjects should be replaced or integrated with relevant skills such as coding, financial analysis, and graphic design, to name a few.

Mentoring Roles

Although students may have access to several course materials online, having willing experienced educators for pointers and advice will also go a long way in improving students' enthusiasm for learning. Providing physical support and interaction for students' struggles is relevant in future education. Teachers should act as facilitators to assist students in developing their way of thinking and absorbing knowledge.  

Socially-based Learning Environment

Schools should become more open-minded regarding classrooms being the only learning environment for students. Creativity is usually birthed in an innovative and conducive environment.  For example, media lounges with wireless internet, coffee, a sofa, flat-screen TVs, and more will improve students learning and consequently, growth in education. Can classrooms be more interactive, socially flexible, and comfortable as this? The answer is yes!

Project-based Learning

Project-based learning involves the combination of creativity and collaborative knowledge to solve difficult questions and tasks. Students should not only be assessed on books only but also on their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Taking tests should be replaced by students' performance through creative projects. This will help them prepare for real-world connections and structured collaboration.

Social and Emotional Skills 

Educators should begin to see the need for students to possess social and emotional skills. It will be a great benefit to the students in the employment world. Efficient communication and problem-solving skills will become must-have skills for future specialists. In addition, a 2015 national study found that early pro-social helped with problems concerning education, employment, use of substances, and criminal activities.

Free Choice for Learners

This method will help students learn in a way that is most suitable for them. Without abandoning any course, they can select subjects that fit best into their desired career choice. They should be allowed to modify their learning process and pay attention to beneficial skills. Some education systems already implemented this method, and it is bound to gain more popularity in the future.

Grading Changes

Schools should choose flexible grading systems for their students. Presently, educators evaluate students in a limited way, which is why the development of a more student-oriented grading system should be worked upon. There should be a meaningful criterion of success or failure for each student.

Personal Involvement

At this rate, both parents and students will become more involved in the development process of the course curriculum. It will be relevant, as students will have more open choices.

Technology and Education

While no one can certainly be 100 percent sure that technology will take over education in the future, it cannot be denied that it is slowly making itself evident and accessible to all. Educators should not be afraid of the forthcoming changes, but rather readily available to embrace the new perspective. 

They can do this by picking up and learning various tech skills in order to properly evolve as the tech industry evolves and becomes a major part of every aspect of human behavior and living. These skills can be learned by attending coding bootcamps like Thinkful, Flatiron, and General Assembly.

Moreover, technology will play a great deal in helping educators to gain useful and modern experiences, become more qualified, and support the growth of students. Therefore, it would be a collaborative effort of teachers and students to cooperate and adopt the upcoming learning environment.


Segba Eseoghene Keva Laya is a content writer with extensive experience in the field and with her own blog. In the future, she hopes to become a life coach and continue sharing ideas on her own website. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and International Studies from the University of Uyo.

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