The C Word

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Burns away the pain

A childhood of abuse and of pain

Memories of this pop up again and again

A sadness all consuming and grim

Turning light of the world so terribly dim

Fun and laughter in short supply

Was no joke I will not lie

Ever crawling in on myself

Emotions so bad for my health

In adult years found me again

Like a switch inside my brain

Sadness which turned towards delight

The light of the world comes evermore bright

Fun and laughter found its way in my life

Seeing me become a mother and wife

And whilst it's been a rocky ride

No more in pain do I now hide


Karen Burns is 49 and lives in Coventry, England. She is a graduate at Warwick after completing a Social Studies degree. Her interests are reading, poetry, writing reviews and she has a blog all about her daughter who has an eating disorder.

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