The C Word

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Go Green

On the right side of the courtyard stood a line of columns holding up green plants and herbs. It is a yellow painted, four-storied building with rows of individual flats. This is the entrance of our residence. Anybody may like being touched with the greeneries. Nowadays we hear an undertone of threat, like unless you cover up your nose and mouth, Covid will grab us. With planting trees and nurturing them, I find that I can wrap my mind and eyes from the weird time we’ve lived in for over a year.

I remember more about when I started the plantation process, I found some common ground at the entrance. It was not easy to place pots, fill them with fertile soil and adjust the cozy place with different tree saplings. I focused on some empty places in one corner of our entrance. I always tried to build a good relationship with my neighbours. Somebody's voice was heavy with bitterness. Somebody blamed me for making the place breeding with mosquitoes. Still...I did not let my crush go away with such complaints. I promised to make the area a clean zone filled with greens. Now many eyes gaze at the plants- Crossandra, Azima, Saussurea obvallata, Tabernaemontana(flower); Holi basil, coriander leaf, ginger, mint, lemon, chilli (herbs and spice); Papaya, mango(fruits); Aloe-vera, money plants etc. Also there is a long stand of Sacred fig.

I regularly sweep fallen down dry leaves and flowers. I change the old dried up soil with new fertile soil amidst the pods whenever the situation needs. Watering is a compulsory course but my add-on is pouring used water from cereal and pulses as they increase the plants' nutrition. Cutting down some upper branches and tying them with a cord are some periodical needs (although not applicable for all plants). Now some of my neighbours are also paying attention to the plants. Someone asked me, "Why do you care so much for plants?"

It is the place where I can take deep breath. My time passes so quickly that it makes my days easier. Honestly, I prefer to see green, than only living within the circle of the tallest buildings around me.

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