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Finding Work Experience During a Pandemic

Well, 2020 is a bit of a write-off isn’t it?

As the pandemic spread earlier this year, it started to get harder for us to continue our extra-curricular activities and voluntary commitments which contributed to our work experience. We all began adjusting to a new norm: working in our pyjamas and eating ​way​ too many crisps.

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. In fact, this global pandemic has provided a few extra opportunities we might not have had time for last year. (How long ago does 2019 feel, by the way?) Hopefully, a few things on this list will inspire you to create your own opportunities and find some fabulous work experience.

We’re heading into 2021 with a new vibe.

The world is your golden ticket

It’s rare these golden ticket experiences are handed to us on a silver platter. More often than not, it takes a whole load of hustling before you get offered a killer opportunity.

Have you tried starting a blog? Creating an Instagram page and branding yourself? Or if you’re feeling super brave, what about creating a Youtube channel and posting videos about the different elements of your favourite industry?
It might feel utterly pointless at times but even if nothing comes directly from your efforts, it’s still relevant experience. You’re proving to future employers you’re familiar with content creation and different methods of communication.
Now​ that​, my friend, is invaluable.

New network - who dis?

Having a strong social media presence is the key to looking trustworthy and reliable. If you’re easy to reach, the chances are you’ll be much more desirable to potential employers.

Keeping your social networking sites updated is really important. Show that you are keen to start conversations with people around topics in the industry, and try posting a couple of engaging posts on LinkedIn.
By making solid connections online, you’re developing your personal brand and communication skills. Not only this, but you’re in a much better position to inquire about work experience. People are surprisingly receptive to kind and keen voices, just looking to learn something.

Getting published

These two words sound really intimidating.​ “Getting published? But how? I know nothing. Or no one. I can’t write! Or spell. OR SPEAK. HELP - I’M SCARED!”

Yep, I know how you feel.

Actually, reaching out to online publications with interesting stories or topics is a great way to kickstart some exciting conversations. It’s also great to practice media pitches and brainstorm blog post ideas.

(Please note: No one is expecting you to land a story in BBC News or Cosmo. And if they are, this really isn’t the article for you. Seriously, stop reading this and go and write something ​now.​ )

My point is, you don’t have to contact multi-billion dollar magazines and newspapers. There are plenty of smaller publications and start-up magazines that are on the hunt for good stories. Some businesses have their own blog too but often don’t have the capacity to keep it regularly updated themselves so why not pitch them an idea and offer to write it?

Look local

Looking around your local area can be the perfect starting point when it comes to finding work experience.
It’s easy to forget the cafe down the street, or that dog grooming place around the corner. Or the hairdressers. Or the lady who churns out the most amazing Thai curries from her kitchen every Thursday night? (Okay, that one might just be me.)

Scoping out your local high street is a fantastic way to gain experience, and small business owners are usually really appreciative of any help. Get on a first-name basis with local business owners and offer an extra pair of hands to help market their business online, or assist with admin tasks.

Going virtual in 2020

Let’s agree on one thing: 2020 is the year of virtual studying. Online courses are becoming increasingly popular as people look to learn new skills throughout lockdown. There are plenty of courses out there and​ yes,​ they absolutely count as experience so don’t sleep on it!

Girls in Marketing has curated a brilliant list of ​free online courses​ that you might find useful if you are passionate about marketing and business, as well as a resources page​. You can also find two eCourses in ​virtual store​, if you fancy learning more about freelance marketing, or how to grow your Instagram account.

Bonus - Top tips for Zoom interviews!

Interviews are stressful enough as it is without the additional worry of virtual meetings. Here are some top tips to help your Zoom interview run smoothly:

  1. Favourite the link in your emails ​- there’s nothing worse than logging on five minutes before your meeting and having a total panic because you can’t find the Zoom link. Make sure you’ve favourited the email in advance, so you know where to find it later.

  2. Try not to wear your pjs​ - I know I know, it’s tempting to throw on a fancy blouse over your pyjama bottoms but trust me, it’s not worth it. You’ll feel more in the zone if you dress to impress like you would in person.

  3. Virtual notes -​ Sometimes you can feel a bit thrown off when you’re referring to your written notes. Here’s my fave hack: use word document instead and have your notes and the meeting on the screen side-by-side. You can check your notes ​and ​it looks like you’re making eye contact! Winning!