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Beating your career crisis

Are you feeling a little lost in your career? Maybe you feel like everyone around you is progressing, and you’re at a standstill? 

It’s likely that what you’re feeling is a career crisis, and it’s more common than you think. Whether you’re unhappy in your job or you’re looking to secure a promotion, you probably feel like there’s something holding you back from feeling confident in your career.

What you need is a refresh, and a chance to take charge of your career again and rebuild your confidence. Use the following tips to help you beat your career crisis.

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Think about what’s making you feel this way

When you’re suffering a career crisis, there could be a lot of things making you feel this way. You could be going through a tricky period at work, or you might be thinking about making a career change. Determining the reasons behind what you’re feeling can help you decide on the solution. Take some time, see if you’re going through a rough patch and if this feeling continues, look at how you can make changes.

Take responsibility to get yourself out of it

Your career is in your hands, and if something isn’t working, it’s you that need to make the change. Whether you need to look for a new job, address an issue at work or even enhance your skills and training, get your plan in place to change your path.

Is there additional training you can take on board to help you feel more confident at work? You could take a resilience or public speaking course, English speaking lessons or digital skills training. Developing your knowledge and enhancing your experience can build up your self-esteem to help you feel more in control.

Be brave and take chances

If your career is stalling, then it’s time to make some risky moves. Forcing yourself out of your comfort zone can help you move forward in your career and open yourself up to new experiences. Next time there’s an opportunity to challenge yourself at work, take it! You’ll build up experience, make new contacts and see where it could lead you. If you stay still and do the same things day in, day out, you won’t be able to progress and move forward.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help 

Never be afraid to ask for help with your career. From finding a mentor to talking to someone about your career development, seeking the advice of others can help you get the push you need. 

Don’t forget to look to others for inspiration too, there are a lot of useful career and life lessons you can learn from entrepreneurs, with some golden nuggets that could help improve your outlook so that you can continue on your path.


Whatever’s going on with your career, it’s time to take a step back and think about what you really want. Whether you need to change careers or you just need a well-earned break, work on what you want to help you beat your career crisis. 

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