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4 Mistakes that Could Crush Your New Business

No one starts a business to fail, but more new businesses than not do end in failure, Sometimes, it’s because the idea simply wasn’t right for the time or because there’s an economic downturn that affects everything, However, many businesses fail because they make basic mistakes, and these are often the hardest failures to take.

If you want to avoid doing something that could crush your business, take a look at these very common, business-ending mistakes and avoid them in your own entrepreneurial life…

1. Not fully testing your products and services

It’s insane that so many people launch their companies without first robustly testing their products and services to ensure that, not only do they work well but also that they are actually desirable to their target market but it happens all the time, and it rarely ends well. You may be confident you have a great product, but for your own sake, carry out extensive A/B testing, do some decent market research and make really sure you’re ready to launch before you actually do!

2. Data breaches

Data breaches are increasingly common, and even some big names like Lush and eBay have fallen foul of them, but they are not inevitable, and even you, as a small business owner, can do plenty to protect against them. From using secure document management services to encrypting your files. There are tons of things you can do to avoid business data breaches, and you should do them if you don’t want your business to be crushed by hackers and your own oversight.

3. Doing it all yourself

You may not have much money to start your own business, and it may even be possible to be a solopreneur for a while, but the fact of the matter is, if you want to be a business success, you are going to need help along the way Unless you’re skilled in everything from graphic design to prototype manufacture, if you try to do everything yourself you will not do a good job and your business will not be able to succeed. Even if you just hire freelancers to help you out in those areas where you don’t excel, it will be a big help.

4. Promising too much

It’s tempting, when you’re a new business, to try and draw as many people as possible in by offering things above and beyond the competition, whether that’s next day delivery or a more significant piece of work for the price. This is fine if you can deliver, but if you can’t, it could crush your business, If you make your customer a promise and you don’t keep it, they will soon post about it online, leave you a bad review and trash your reputation before you get started. So, aim to provide an excellent service, but don’t make offers that you will struggle to fulfil or it will backfire on you spectacularly.

If you can avoid these four business-crushing mistakes when you start out, you are far more likely to be the successful businesswoman you know you can be.